SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/c/VicStefanu - Let's go visit the beautiful and very historic Kadifekale Castle which lies on a mountain in the center of the city of Izmir in Turkey. The summit where the castle is found is located at a distance of about 2 km from the shoreline and commands a general view of a large part of the city of İzmir, as well as of the Gulf of İzmir. The first recorded defensive walls built here was the work of Lysimachos, a "successor" (diadochus) of Alexander the Great. The construction of the fort was associated with Alexander's re-foundation of Smyrna, moving it from Old Smyrna on a mound in the southeastern corner of the inner gulf where only a few thousand people could be accommodated. This move for the location of a new and larger city gained fame in a legend told by Pausanias, according to which Alexander, during a rest after hunting under a plane tree near the sanctuary on the hill of the two Nemeseis worshipped by the Smyrneans, was approached during his sleep by the goddesses who bade him found a city on that very spot, transferring to it the inhabitants of the earlier site.


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