I hired a band of Mexicans to ask You & Casey Neistat for help
GIVE GENEROUSLY. PLEASE & THANK YOU https://www.gofundme.com/MArmstrongCa... Please help me get this in front of Casey Neistat. I know it's a long shot but hey... What else do I do when I want to live and only have 1 week to raise $40k? I'm a father of three amazing kids. I'm battling head and neck cancer. The cutting-edge treatments I'm receiving in Tijuana, Mexico at CHIPSA Hospital are working. Watch my tumors shrink on camera! It's amazing! The doctors are blown away but have said I need to stay for more treatment in order to beat this cancer. I have one week to raise the funds otherwise I'll have to go home and that's no bueno. Every dollar, every share is like a life line to me. To everyone that has helped me: I WANT TO THANK EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU. LITERALLY. Every person that gives will get a shout out, unless you give anonymously, in a creative way as part of my epic "Thank you for helping save my life" video.
I am going to make that video because people like you stepped up when you saw the need. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0K0Re24EXY
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